Monday, September 5, 2016

Hell awaits if..

Hell is mentioned endlessly by Jesus Christ himself during his ministry.

Today majority of people have a strong misconception of what hell is or means.
Biblically Jesus warned of the high chance ending up in that fatal place.Furthermore the Bible goes far on telling or explaining what is the simplest cause on sending us towards hell : sin.
As we know sin is the exact the representative of the punishable act by God : disobedience!!

Sometimes we tend to think that only the "bad guys" end up in hell. Criminals, killers or any other nasty sin performer are headed down there but thats not what the Bible says.

The Bible warns that even our gossipping mouths may send us down to hell. Our hatred, lustful eyes or high mindedness. And in fact the list goes on and on...

Oh, many uncountable ways to hell but only one way to escape it : Lord Jesus Christ!
Surrender your life and obey his word in order to overcome sin. Sinners are called to be saints in Jesus Christ alone!  In no other name salvation or grace is found!!

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