Friday, September 9, 2016

Jesus' Sermon on the Mount 3

Marriage (5:27-32)

Love is patient, love is kind
"Love is patient, love is kind."
Every young man and woman who fall in love and get married believe their love will last forever. But as soon as the honeymoon is over, the strain of adapting to the other person's preferences, ways of doing things, idiosyncrasies and moods begins to chip away at that love. Before long, many couples find their marriage drifting toward divorce.
But Jesus said marriage is meant to last for a lifetime. Not only must be we faithful to our spouse, we must not even think about being unfaithful! And we must do everything possible to avoid divorce.
The thrill of romantic love fades away in time. That is when Christian love must take over. Instead of looking for a new partner, we must learn to truly love the partner we have. We must put aside our anger, forgive our spouse a million times over, always be faithful, subdue our pride and ego, and always let true love guide our actions. As the apostle Paul said,

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